
Endpoints for create/edit values of KPIs

POST api/v2/IndicatorValues/{frequencia}

Saves values (Actual, Target) of a given KPI, in a Frequency (Monthly, Weekly or Daily) with a linked date (Occurrence). The values sent can be of type Calculated or Accumulated.

POST api/v2/IndicatorValues/Indicators/{frequencia}

Save values of a given KPI list.


Endpoints for Users management

POST api/Account/Logout

Logout an user.

POST api/Account/EsqueciASenha?email={email}

Sends an email to user so he can reset his password.


Documents endpoints

GET api/Documentos/Download?id={id}&userId={userId}

Downloads a given file


Meetings endpoints

POST api/Reunioes/AceitarConvite?id={id}&idDaNotificacao={idDaNotificacao}

Accepts an invite for a given meeting.

POST api/Reunioes/RecusarConvite?id={id}&idDaNotificacao={idDaNotificacao}

Refuses an invite for a given meeting.

GET api/Reunioes/{id}

Get data for a given meeting.


Tasks endpoints

POST api/Tarefas/Desativar?id={id}

Disables a given task.

POST api/Tarefas/Reativar?id={id}

Reactivates a given task.

POST api/Tarefas/Designar

Assign a task to another responsible.

POST api/Tarefas/Editar

Edits 5W2H fields of a given task.

POST api/Tarefas/AnexarLink

Attachs a link of a given task.

POST api/Tarefas/AnexarLinkNaExecucao

Attachs links on a task execution.

POST api/Tarefas/Criar

Creates a task in an Action Plan.

GET api/Tarefas/DetalhesDaTarefa?id={id}

Returns the details of a given task.

POST api/Tarefas/AnexarDocumento?id={id}

Attachs a document in a given task.

POST api/Tarefas/AnexarDocumentoNaExecucao?id={id}

Attach a document in a task execution.

POST api/Tarefas/Executar

Execs a given task.

POST api/Tarefas/Comentar

Create a comment in a given task.

POST api/Tarefas/AlterarInicioPrevisto

Edit the Estimated Start date of a given task.

POST api/Tarefas/AlterarFimPrevisto

Edits the Estimated End date of a given task.

GET api/Tarefas/Documentos?id={id}

Returns a list of documents of a given task.

GET api/Tarefas/Comentarios?id={id}

Returns a list of comments of a given task.

POST api/Tarefas/EditarComentario

Edits a comment of a given task.

POST api/Tarefas/ExcluirComentario?idDoComentario={idDoComentario}

Delete a comment of a given task.

GET api/Tarefas/Subtarefas?id={id}

Returns a list of children tasks of a given task.

POST api/Tarefas/Reprogramar

Requests the scheduling of a given task.

GET api/Tarefas/{id}

Returns a given task.


GET api/Notificacoes/Quantidade

Gets the number of notifications for a user

GET api/Notificacoes?skip={skip}

Get 10 notifications skipping the number informed in 'Skip' parameter.

DELETE api/Notificacoes/{id}

Deletes a given notification.

DELETE api/Notificacoes

Delete all notifications for a user.


Users endpoints

GET Detalhes?id={id}

Get data for a given user.

GET DetalhesDoUsuarioLogado

Get current user data.

POST Foto/Upload

Uploads a photo for a given user.

GET api/Usuarios?filter={filter}

Get a filtered list of active users.

GET api/Usuarios

Get all users.

POST api/Usuarios

Create a new user.

PUT api/Usuarios

Edit an user.


Company endpoints

GET API/Empresas/ObterNomeDaEmpresa

Gets company's name


Traffic Lights endpoints

POST api/Farol/Farol

Returns the traffic light of a given KPI

POST api/Farol/Desdobramentos

Returns the options available for Unfolding a KPI.

POST api/Farol/DesdobrarIndicador

Returns the items of an KPI's Breakdown according to a filter.

GET api/Farol/Semanas?idDoPlanoDeGestao={idDoPlanoDeGestao}

Returns the weeks available in a Management Plan.


My Panel endpoints

GET api/MeuPainel/MapaDeCalor?dataInicial={dataInicial}&dataFinal={dataFinal}

Get a list of MapaDeCalor structure. It represents a day and the quantity of tasks and meetings containing in this specific day.

GET api/MeuPainel/Reunioes?data={data}

Get all meetings for a given date. When date is not informed, get all meetings of the current day.

GET api/MeuPainel/Tarefas?data={data}

Get all tasks for a given day. When the date is not informed, get tasks for the current day.

GET api/MeuPainel?data={data}

Get all tasks and meetings for a given day. When the date is not informed, get tasks and meetings of the current day. It also returns the number of delayed tasks.


KPIs endpoints

POST api/Indicadores/DetalhesDoIndicador

Returns the details of a given KPI

POST api/Indicadores/Grafico

Returns data from KPI's chart according to the given filter.

POST api/Indicadores/Comentar

Creates a comment in a given KPI

GET api/Indicadores/Comentarios?id={id}

Returns comments of a given KPI

GET api/Indicadores/SolucoesDeProblema?id={id}

Returns problem solvings of a given KPI

GET api/Indicadores/Tarefas?id={id}

Return tasks of a given KPI

GET api/Indicadores/Documentos?id={id}

Returns documents of a given KPI

POST api/Indicadores/ExcluirComentario?idDoComentario={idDoComentario}&idDoIndicador={idDoIndicador}

Deletes a comment of a given KPI.

POST api/Indicadores/EditarComentario

Edits a comment of a given KPI

POST api/Indicadores/AnexarDocumento?id={id}

Attach a document in a given KPI

POST api/Indicadores/SalvarValores

Save values of a given KPI


Units endpoints

GET api/UnidadesGerenciais/UnidadesQueOUsuarioAtualAltera?filter={filter}

Get a list containing 30 units, alphabetically ordered, in which the user has access

GET api/UnidadesGerenciais/UnidadesQueOUsuarioAtualAltera?filter={filter}&idPlanoDeGestao={idPlanoDeGestao}

Get a list containing 30 units, alphabetically ordered, in which the user has access

GET api/UnidadesGerenciais/UnidadesGerenciaisPorUsuarioLogado?filter={filter}&idPlanoDeGestao={idPlanoDeGestao}

Get a list containing 30 units, alphabetically ordered, in which the logged user has access

GET api/UnidadesGerenciais

Get all units registered on the system.


Indicators audit endpoints

POST api/IndicatorAudit/Audits

Returns audit records for an indicator according to a filter.


Management Plan endpoints

GET api/PlanosDeGestao

Gets a list of all active Management Plans


User_Endpoints Usar: /odataapi/Users/

GET api/Users

Get a filtered list of users.


Project endpoints

POST api/Projeto

Creates an project


GET api/UsuarioPorLogin?login={login}

Get a filtered list of active users.


View endpoints

GET api/Visoes?idDaUnidadeGerencial={idDaUnidadeGerencial}&idDoPlanoDeGestao={idDoPlanoDeGestao}

Get a list of views from a Traffic Light


Problem Solving endpoints

GET api/SolucoesDeProblemas/{id}

Get data for a given problem solution.


Jobs_Endpoints (ODATA) Usar: /odataapi/JobRoles/

GET api/JobRoles

Get a list of all occupations registered.

GET api/JobRoles?key={key}

Gets a given occupation.

POST api/JobRoles

Creates an occupation

PUT api/JobRoles?key={key}

Edits a given occupation

DELETE api/JobRoles?key={key}

Deletes a given occupation


Project's Financial follow up endpoints

POST api/AcompanhamentoFinanceiroDoProjeto

Register the Project's Financial follow up